Learn About Sleep Apnea

By | June 15, 2020

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when an individual’s breathing is interrupted. Untreated sleep apnea is linked to numerous health issues such as heart diseases, car accidents, lack of concentration, weight gain, and many more. This sleeping disorder leads to an inadequate supply of oxygen in the body. There are two distinct types of sleep apnea:

  1. Central sleep apnea: The respiratory control center is unstable. The airway is open, but the brain fails to notify the muscles to breathe.
  2. Obstructive sleep apnea: A blocked airway categorizes this form of sleep apnea. Can also be termed as OSA.

Risk Factors for Sleep Apnea

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Larger neck size
  • Having a large tongue, small jaw bone, and large tonsils.
  • Genetic disorder of sleep apnea
  • Nasal obstruction caused by deviated allergies, sinus problems, or septum.

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Effects of Sleep Apnea

1.High Blood Pressure

Numerous studies link OSA with high blood pressure. This sleeping disorder leads to a restless night that, in turn, increases stress levels. This is very dangerous because it boosts an individual’s blood pressure levels. In addition, breathing disorder limits the amount of oxygen in the blood, which is the main cause of high blood pressure. It’s, therefore, a great idea to seek early medication if you’re struggling with sleeping disorders. Sleep apnea and TMJ baton rouge are also closely related.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is not only an effect but also a cause of sleep apnea. This sleeping disorder minimizes the efficiency by which your body uses insulin, thus leading to diabetes. Research shows that most individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes are struggling with OSA.

3. Heart Disease

OSA is a leading factor in cardiovascular diseases. The main cause may be due to limited oxygen in the bloodstream or the stress of breathing. This condition leads to repeated stops and starts of breathing during the night. Inadequate oxygen levels in the blood alter the functioning of your brain. This may lead to inconsistent blood flows in your brain and arteries, thus leading to various heart illnesses.

4. Weight Gain

Sleep apnea reduces your chances of reducing excess weight, especially if you’re obese. Obesity increases fat deposits in your neck, thus blocking your airway, which concurrently impacts the rate of breathing. OSA enhances the production of the hormone ghrelin, which increases your carb intake and sugar-sweetened foods. Sleep apnea causes fatigue during the day; therefore, you’ll not be able to convert excess calories and fats into energy. This will lead to more weight gain.

5.Lack of Concentration

Sleep apnea reduces your rate of concentration, especially during the daytime. This will, therefore, lead to poor performance and reduced production in your area of specialization.

6.Car Accidents

OSA leads to fatigue, anxiety, and lack of concentration during the day. These are the main causes of car accidents because a sleep apnea patient may fall asleep when driving.

Remedies of Sleep Apnea

a.) Use a CPAP machine

A CPAP machine is a proven way of treating OSA. The right CPAP machine will significantly control your breathing pattern, thus keeping the airway wide open.

b.) Maintain a Healthy Weight

Losing excess weight is a great way of controlling This sleeping disorder, especially if you’re obese. Obesity narrows nasal passages and increases the risks of airway obstructions. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential because it clears your airway. There are numerous and trusted studies that prove that weight loss can prevent sleep apnea.

c.) Alter your Sleeping Position

Changing your sleeping position can improve your sleep and reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Discuss your sleep apnea symptoms and body positioning with your doctor to analyze and evaluate the best treatment options.

d.) Yoga

Regular exercises improve your energy level, strengthens your cardiovascular health, and improves sleep apnea. Yoga increases oxygen saturation in your bloodstreams. This sleeping disorder is linked to limited oxygen supply in the blood. Therefore, Yoga reduces sleep interruptions during the night.

e.) Avoid Smoking

Lifestyle changes are crucial in improving your health and encouraging better sleeping habits. Avoiding smoking and limiting your alcohol intake may reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Alcohol causes throat muscle relaxation, which can interrupt your breathing patterns. This can lead to inflammation and the blocking of your airway. Smoking will lead to inflammation and swelling in your airways, interrupting your breathing cycles.